[written loosely in the málaháttr verse adapted for the modern tongue]
Awaken, awake, again to the shore
'ere brethren beckon northward bound.
In Iron Horse with lung of thunder,
gallop swift aside silent waters.
Night, tonight, by night we ride
to steal the sun's great golden pride.
Cast in rocks with roots grown deep
Ten thousand stars, trapped souls inside.
Glistening waters waving green
to beckon travellers beneath worlds unseen.
Between aspen and birch with billowing leaves
break the treelines to caverns untold.
A cosmos buried beyond our path
born of the drowned and dying land.
Wisps of colour concealed in the deep
whose glistening treasures hide and keep.
Dusk to dawn the daylight comes
o're airy summer skies.
Through the fire, feasting fiends
fly from darkened fetters unbound.
Pale daemons drink the living blood
until the feast has gone.
To Break of Day again the horses ride
with weary rider cast forward in time.
Beasts of the land and sky enthral
a path through the wilderlands of old.
Yet too the earth holds its secrets close
of design unthought by the simpler form.
A thread, a thought, astray they found
the likeness of the winged fiend.
Not alone but brothered pair:
Odin's thirsting steed in fields masked.
for sharing of sagas sung to the hymn of steel.
Faces found, of friends alike
young and old, yet in heart n'er forgotten.
Sax and sword and spear and shield
of maker and maester of Ages gone.
To the brotherhood long hours beckon night
with horn of mead and flame so bright.
Out of the earth and clay arise
the trolls of flame and coal ground meal.
A grin of delight shines in the foe's eye,
unwilling to share its long treasured hoard.
Smoke billows blind from nostril and jaw;
no sign in sight of the treacherous fall.
Flame against flame, earth against earth,
at last the laboured battle births.
Sparks and cinders and shards escape
towards blistering heavens smote.
Iron, iron, precious bloom,
whose power through centuries nurtures 'quest.
Glowing in flame the earth, devours,
not hammer nor herald does might force yield.
Again to the furnace the voices cry
to salvage the troll's treasured soul.
Feasting beckons and embers flee
to the oaken table laden high.
Meats, roast meats, smoked meats piled deep
beside cheese and bread and Kvasir's Mead.
Shard-bread baked on blistering steel
and beast for the belly of smith's mighty bellow.
Platter of birch and flask of horn
filled to rejoice and empty to mourn.
Ring of steel, song and jubilation sound
as champions stand proud to their arms.
Under summer sun the tournament triumphs;
'neath moonlight danger stalks.
Sundered shields, shattered swords,
blood paints red the earth.
The heavens fall and midnight wanes,
fair warriors amend and in oak halls rejoice.
Hammer lifts and hammer falls
to the birth of creation's song.
Iron moulds to the form of tool and blade
with ever the mark of whose hands were made.
Soul into steel and heart into flame,
late hours burn with brothers side by side.
Sunset, Moonrise, Moonset, Sunrise,
again dawns the day, in weary eye and merry mind.
Grey dawn comes and company must part,
filled with the fond burden of joyous memory.
Back through the woods, away to corners far
with sword in hand and fleet of foot.
Lo! the journey beckons home
through rolling hill and misty shore.
In hour late the twilight grows
until naught but starlight shines below.
Safe so weary the steeds call end,
but not before longing for return begins.
Upon the backs of eagles fly
into the blistered eastern sky.
Aweigh fond friends I leave behind
to the world beyond of dream and song.
To those long days remembered, never gone
Excitement dawns for the road anew.
Mountain, forest, a cloudscape entwined
with flowing brethren of sand o're windswept dune.
Racing under wing through hidden voids of worlds
trapped unseen 'tween the heavens and the earth.
Ten thousand lights blaze stars on blackened ground
in night aflame with life refused of passage
into the sleep from which I yearn to wake.